
Finding Your Inner Producer

Written by Kristina
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9th February 2024

Finding Your Inner Producer with China Plate and Curiosity Productions

Date: Monday 4th March
Location: Wolverhampton Art Gallery, Lichfield Street, WV1 1DU (entrance on St Peter’s Close)
Admission: Free; booking required (links below)

If you are an artist or creative who manages your own creative projects or creates events to share your work, then you are also a creative producer. If you are part of an organisation or community group and manage creative projects, events or activities, then you are also a creative producer. If you help to make creative things happen in your locality or community, then you are, too, a creative producer!

Join Kristina Hall, China Plate’s Training & Development Producer and Jenny Smith, Creative Director of Curiosity Productions to discover your inner producer.

In this session, Kristina and Jenny will share their journeys as producers and discuss the qualities and skills of producers. To help you audit your own producing skills and make your own personal development plan to harness those skills, you will also receive online resources after the session.

To make this session accessible, we are hosting the same session twice throughout the day. Please register for the session that best suits you, the times will be as follows:

Session 1: 12:30pm – 2:30pm (arrival at 12pm) – This event has now passed. 
Session 2: 6:30pm – 8:30pm (arrival at 6pm) – This event has now passed. 

We realise the timings of these sessions may cause you to travel during usual mealtimes, so please feel free to bring your own food if you wish. Hot drinks will be provided.

Who is it for? Black Country creatives who manage or produce creative events, projects or activities. Anyone based in the Black Country who is interested in the role of a producer or developing your own producing and event management skills.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our Training & Development Producer Kristina at [email protected]

This event is delivered in collaboration with Curiosity Productions as part of Sharespace and is supported by Wolverhampton Art Gallery.

ShareSpace is a series of events that invite you to share ideas, share skills and connect with creatives, artists, and community groups across the Black Country. Produced by Curiosity Productions for Creative Black Country.

For more information about ShareSpace, visit Creative Black Country’s website here.