China Plate work with a large and varied cohort of artists, producers and creative team members.
We have a close relationship with a key group of artists, whose work we often develop from inception through to national and international touring. We are always looking for opportunities to work with a broader group of theatre makers through programming, commissioning, development programmes and showcases.
Our suite of development programmes includes The Optimists, People-Focused Producing, Young Producers, RISE, The Darkroom, Musical Theatre Workroom and triggered@Warwick.
Previous development programmes have included First Bite / Bite Size and Digital Darkroom.
China Plate are interested in meeting artists and trying to see as much new work as possible, so if you have work you’d like one of the team to see (or have any other questions), please get in touch via our Contact page.
Plan B for Utopia by Joan Clevillé Dance
Photo © Maria Falconer
China Plate is currently redeveloping its Artist Wellbeing Policy to enable us to better support artists, creatives, freelancers, and staff who work with us.
In 2018, China Plate researched how to formalise and embed approaches to artist wellbeing across all of our productions and working practices. This resulted in our original Artist Wellbeing Policy.
Created alongside Artist Wellbeing Practitioner Lou Platt, the policy and list of resources aimed to provide practical guidelines for safeguarding artist, creative team and employee wellbeing and mental health when working on productions.
China Plate is now building on this policy in consultation with Lauren Silver of PlayWell. Our new policy will respond to the changes in our sector and understanding over the last four years, and the learning we’ve gained from putting our original policy into practice.
For more information, please contact Chloe Courtney on [email protected]
Mess by Caroline Horton
Photo © Ed Collier