
Mad Blood Stirring: Fives minutes with Jack Brett

Written by Sarah
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27th February 2019
A young man standing with his arms crossed, not directly looking at the camera.

© The Other Richard

A troubled Friar rushes us through the mutinous streets of Verona, plunging us into a community torn apart by prejudice, conflict and violent crime. This week we talk with Jack Brett who plays Mercutio.

Can you describe Mercutio in three words?

Unpredictable, impulsive, hilarious

If Mercutio had a catchphrase, what would it be?

Fast and not steady wins the race!

Do you have any pre-show rituals?

I always look in the mirror, look straight into my eyes and say ‘Jack, you got this, you perfect specimen of a human being’.

What would be your dream role?

I’d love to play something really grotesque. Like an ork or something.

If you could swap lives with anybody for one day, who would it be and why?

It would be Paul Warwick, the Director, just so I can sample his famous avocado and egg breakfast he somehow has time to cook in the mornings.


Romeo and Juliet – Mad Blood Stirring toured nationally to The Albany, London; The Core at Corby Cube; Z-arts, Manchester; Warwick Arts Centre; New Theatre Royal, Portsmouth and Oxford Playhouse.

School performances, workshops, CPD and online resources are available to KS2 & KS3 (Years 5 to 8). For further information about our Schools offer, please go to our Schools & Colleges page or contact Andrea on [email protected]

Photo: Jack Brett playing Mercutio, in Romeo & Juliet – Mad Blood Stirring.